
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Too Much Stuff

Life is good. Not a whole lot going on. I am going to do forms in amartial arts tournament this weekend. I hope I do good. I wasn't sureI wanted to do anything for the tournament, but Uncle Derek thought itwould be good, so I am trying it. I am not doing sparring though, I amnot very good at that. I like forms, they aren't so bad.
I made cookies for Uncle Derek's get-together last night. He and AuntLisa kept stealing them though. Aunt Lisa would take a bite and thengive the cookie to Mason. She said she got the cookies for him. Iended making extra since I wasn't sure they would last. I got to hangout with Katherine until they had to go home, so that was fun. We stoleMason for a while too. He likes Katherine, so it was fun. Aunt Lisalet me help make the potato salad too. It's not hard at all. I couldprobably do that by myself next time.
School's going alright. Someone spilled something on me today so AuntLisa had to bring me clean jeans. No big deal though. I'm glad shecame though, because I got her to sign a form for school so I wouldn'tget in trouble. I didn't want to have a lunch detention.
I so want a puppy. Aunt Lisa keeps saying no, but I really want one.The little white Eskimo puppy we saw was SO cute. And it was soft andfuzzy and playful, and it curled up in my arms when I held it. A puppywould be really nice (for me). Aunt Lisa really won't let me have oneright now though. She saws we have enough pets already and they don'tget enough attention as it is. And a puppy is way too much work andeffort for us right now.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Ho hum

Not a whole lot happening. We went bowling twice and I think I am getting better. I like to go bowling and we went late enough on Saturday night so we could do the Alien Glow in the Dark bowling. Melanie and Ms Laura also went with Alex and a friend of thiers. It was fun.

I helped Uncle Derek put together Aunt Lisa's hutch for her sideboard. It looks really nice.

We also stopped and looked at puppies. I really want a puppy, but Aunt Lisa says no. She keeps saying that too, even when she thinks the puppies are really cute. Sigh! Maybe next year. Right now, Aunt Lisa says we have too many pets who don't get enough attention now.

I'm still doing good in school. I had a big project for science last week that was a lot of work, but I got it finished. I think it looked pretty good. I hope I get a good grade.

I haven't gotten a stripe since I got m blue belt, but one of the instructors thinks I am doing really well and he thinks I can go far if I work at it. He's been spending extra time after class with me to help me out. I am also getting better at sparring, though I don't sparring with most of the boys. All they want to do is kick, they don't do anything original. I prefer the girls or the adults, at least they make it interesting.