
Friday, April 29, 2005

She's Ok

Alexis is staying home from school today. After yesterday she's still pretty stressed and probably needs the rest and comfort of seeing Mercedes ok. I am also calling to see about getting her in to see a counselor. It hit her really hard, seeing Mercedes seizure. Heck, it hit all of us pretty hard. There is nothing in Mercedes owner's manual about the possibility of seizures coming out of nowhere.

Monday, April 25, 2005

My week

Ok, I got it on Monday. The guitar stuff I was having problems with. I guess taking a few days off helped.

That made the guitar lesson on Tuesday a lot better. My teacher said I need to cut my nails even more than I did. They are gonna be really short.

It was nice most of last week. Sunny and pretty outside so I played outside with Sami a lot. That was cool.

On Friday it started getting yucky out though. Sami spent the night and we played until late. Then Aunt Lisa made us get up early on Saturday to eat pancakes and go to swimming lessons.

On Saturday it rained and snowed so we had to stay inside. We did go to swimming lessons in the morning. I had a lot of fun and my teacher said I could play in the water when she wa working with the other kids. I wish we could have stayed longer though. AUnt Lisa said she would try to take us swimming this week, but she never feels very good, so I don't know if she will or not.

We spent the rest of Saturday hanging out at home and not doing anything. We did get all of the laundry done, though. It snowed, but it all melted. It snowed and rained on Sunday too.

We went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast/lunch on Sunday. Unfortunately it took so long to get in that we were almost late to the circus. Uncle Derek dropped us off though, so we were ok. I wanted to ride on the elphants, but the lines were too long. We tried though. I ended up getting a dolphin balloon and a light ball. The light thing is cool. I also got autographs from a bunch of the clowns. They were eally nice. I liked the bears and clowns the best. There was also two people riding motorcycles in the Ball of Death. That was cool, but really loud. There was also a guy who walked on a pendulum thing that didn't have any doors. That was kinda scary.

Back to school today. Oh yea?

Sunday, April 17, 2005

My Week

Well, the week started out ok. I had my first guitar lesson on Tuesday and that was fun. I also had student led conferences on Tuesday. Aunt Lisa missed two math problems and I got them all right! 'Cedes was being a pain though, she kept trying to go through my friend Michelle's desk and whining.

By Thursday I was ready to quit guitar lessons. There is one chord that I just can't get the fingerings right for. Aunt Lisa, Grandma, and Uncle Derek are letting me have the weekend off, then I have to practice tomorrow. They won't let me quit yet. They say I hae to give it a chance.

We were going to try to go swimming yesterday but it did not work out. Aunt Lisa was in a grouchy mood and we ran out of time. I hope we get to go this week. I start swimming lessons next week, so I at least get to go then.

It's been really nice out this week so we have been playing outside a lot. I haven't had a lot of homework either, so I have more time to play. I like to play on the neighbors trampoline but it's always got a lot of kids on it. I hope it stays nice for a while. The rain isn't much fun.

Grandma got me a rose bush to plant and take care of yesterday and Aunt Lisa got me some flower seeds so I can have flowers. Mercedes isn't much help but she wanted to try. At least Jonathon wasn't trying to "help" this time. Sami and I tried to plant carrots a few days ago, but that didn't work out at all.

I was out of school Friday, so I stayed up late on Thursday and slept in. Smai and I played outside pretty much all day which was really fun. I am getting a tan, but my skin gets dry really fast. I am trying to put aloe vera on it, but I don't always remember.

I helped fix supper last night. It was Gradnma's night to cook, but Aunt Lisa let her rest becuase she was tired from grocery shopping at Sam's and Meijer. We started the spaghetti and Aunt Lisa let me cook the meat all by myself. Then I helped set the table and break the spaghetti in half to cook. It was pretty cool. And Uncle Derek kept 'Cedes out of our hair (mostly) so we didn't have to worry about her.

I've been doing laundry lately. The new washer and dryer make it a lot easier. They both open in the front and they have buttons you push to start them. There is a LOT of laundry though.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

My Poems

Tornado Poem
It forms weirdly in the beginning
but it is deadly after that,
a gray funnel,
a big dust bunny,
It looks like a funnel of dust,
It makes cows fly,
It desroys homes,
It destroys buildings,
Some are white and others are different,
White ones are water spouts,
Which look like ice cream cones.
most of the time it's big and scary.
but it's over in about an hour

The Beautiful Horse
One beautiful horse
intelligent, gentle, caring,
gray with spots

Deadly Ice Storms
One deadly Ice Storm,
strong, powerful, dangerous,
white crystals shining

This week in school we were learning about the weather. The teacher had us write several poems about the weather or nature, the ones above are mine. The last one the teacher said was "powerful". I wasn't too sure about writing poetry, but I think I have caught on. I am really excited about the one the teacher liked.

I got signed up for guitar lessons this week. I also got a guitar, so I can practice at home. It's nice. Aunt Lisa says I have to practice 3 days a week for 30 minutes. I think I will like it. The teacher is supposed to be really nice, so that's cool too.

We went swimming on Wednesday night. We didn't get to go very long, but it was fun. Aunt Lisa and Auncle Derek said we will try to go again. I start swimming lessons in two weeks too, so I will get to play in the water then too.

I have my parent-teacher conference next week. THe teacher had us make up math pages to give to our "parents" so we can be the teachers. I think that will be fun. Grandma and Aunt Lisa have to do the whole thing.

I have been playing outside a lot lately. The weather has gotten into the 70's so it's not too cold. It rained one day, but we got to go outside the next day.

I have been making friends in my class and on the bus. The last couple of days I have been doing my homework on the bus so I don't have to do it when I get home. It's not that hard, so it's not a big deal.

I had a math and a spelling test in school yesterday. I missed three I think on the spelling test, but I think I got all of the answers right on the science test. It was over weather. It was pretty interesting. THe teacher brought in newspapers for us to look at the weather forecast, so that was cool.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

the baby shower

Today is the baby shower, I hope that I will have fun and not be bored.I just want it to be done and over with, but it is wierd that i've been wanting to go swimming latley,maybe its because i'm turning into a fish.Well I don't know but who cares at least I get to get on uncle Derek's nerves.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

The Weekend

I survived a full week of school without being sick. It was okay until Thursday when the teacher wanted me to write a poem about tornados. That was hard and I really did not want to do it.

I did get all 50 multiplication problems right (twice) on my homework this week, so that was good. I am the "Teacher's Pet" on Monday so I am supposed to bring some pictures of me and things I like to school. Mom, please send the one of me and Pooh.

I miss Pooh, he's so fluffy. I can't wait to see him.

Uncle Derek signed me up for swimming lessons. They don't start for a few weeks but it will be fun once they do start. I am a guppy according to the YMCA people.

Uncle Derek woke Mercedes and I up this morning by hitting us with a pillow. He is so mean to me. He picks on me all the time.

It's cold out again, and rainy. It's really windy too, the swing out front blew over last night. I guess we won't be going outside to play for a few days.