
Saturday, February 06, 2010


I made the JV softball team! Yea! I have my first game soon and I cant wait. The coach says I am her "hitter".

I have also lost a ton of weight from working out and eating better, so the boys are noticing me. High school can be so cool.

I passed driver's ed too, so I can get my license on my 16th birthday! That will be so AWESOME! Daddy says I might get to drive the Jeep to school next year, so I would be so cool!

I am keeping my grades up, I had a 3.7+ GPA for the first semester, I am really proud of that. I have to keep it up though if I want to drive!

Monday, September 07, 2009

School Has Started

I really do not like High School! It took forever to get my classes changed so I could do softball conditioning, and I had to change Algebra classes, so I don't have class with some of my friends. I'm really lonely. It sucks not to have Seth here too.

I am no longer in band, but Aunt L is on my cawe to find out if we can sell my sax. She's really irritating. She's also on my case about my grades. I got a C on a test and a D on homework and she's making a HUGE deal about it.

I have so much other stuff going on, I don't really think one or two low grades is that big a deal. She keeps telling me that if I don't maintain B's, I have to quit work and won't get my license. I really don't think that's fair!

Anyways, gotta go, cooking dinner. Let's hope this week is better.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Starting High School

I start high school in a few weeks. I am not too worried, but it's gonna be a big change. I am still in band (Aunt L is making me), but I decided not to go out for volleyball. The girls were all kind of snobby and I didn't like playing with them. I am gonna try softball when it starts after the New Year!

I kind of have a boyfriend. He doesn't live here (he used too), but we talk al of the time and he likes me and I like him. Aunt L says she's ok with it, for now. Less worry for her : )

I get to go school shopping next week. I need jeans pretty badly. I found some other stuff I like online, but I want to see what else is available.

I got my learner's permit the other day. I can't wait to start really driving. I so want a truck when I get my own car. In the meantime, I get to drive the Jeep, which is still pretty cool!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

It's going to be awful

I have to take care of the smelly little people for three whole weeks while Aunt L is gone. Three Weeks! It's going to be awful! Aunt L said she will make it up to me when she gets back and I am holding her to that. She's getting me the high tops I want and a pair of jeans, at the very least.

I got to go see Twilight finally, but I was a little disappointed. It didn't really follow the book. I still like Jacob though. He's my favorite. Granted, I've read the whole series, so I knw how it ends up, but I kind of feel bad for him inthe beginning.

My grades are all pretty good right now. I had to write a paper on Jimmy Carter so it's a big part of one of my grades. I am hoping I did alright on it. He wasn't very interestig, though Aunt L gave me more information to add to my paper and it made him a little more interesting, though not very much!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Off for the holidays

So, I brought all of my grades up to a C. My algebra is a high B, so life is good. I am trying to help out more around the house too. I helped Daddy put up the Christmas lights today, or at least finish. We are going to go outside pretty soon and do the GRAND LIGHTING CEREMONY. I hope the house looks AWESOME!

I still have to go Christmas shopping and get Uncle D's present, but other than that I am all done. Everyone's presents are wrapped and under the tree. I sent Mom her present, or at least part of it. I still have the rest here.

BD is in charge of the Christmas turkey. It's name is Athena and she's going to be cooked in a bag. Sigh! It's all so sad, don't you think. But I bet she will taster DELICIOUS!

Friday, November 21, 2008

This week

I wish Aunt L would get off my back about school. I don't really care if I get D's or F's. It's not like I do it ALL the time. Why can't they just trust me, or at least leave me alone? I am so happy that I don't have school next week, I don't have to do any homework for a whole week.

Becuase of my grades, Uncle D won't take me to see Twilight! I really wanted to go see it too. I have read all 4 books! And you know how I am about reading. THey were really good though!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Thoughts on Life

This has been an interesting week. I kind of told Dad how I felt about a lot of things he has done in my life. It helped. I do feel better. He wants to talk to me now. I am not so sure I want to hear it though. I know he's going to blame it all on Mom. I've already been talking to her about stuff too, so it's not like it's just him. I just don't want to hear him bash Mom and vice versa.

I think the boy I like broke up with his girlfriend Hmmmm. Wonder if that means anything for me? I'm not sure I would really want to have a boyfriend. It's kind of a big deal that I admit I even like a boy!

I changed to regular algebra and I like it a lot better. I don't feel so stressed all of the time and it's easier since the teacher doesn't go as fast. I think I will be able to get an A out of this class. If I end up with all A's, I get a Build-A-Bear. Yep, I really want all A's!