
Sunday, September 10, 2006


I have a crush on a boy at martial arts. He's really nice, at least he is to me and to the little kids. I don't know what I want to do about it though. I told aunt Lisa and she promised not to tell Uncle Derek, but he got it out of me anyways. Of course, he teases me like crazy.

I have actually started playing the saxophone now. I practice at night and kind of like it. It;s fun to play, but it's a lot of work.

I get to test for my next belt at martial arts on Friday. That is so cool. I have been working really hard so I could get this far. One of the instructors said there is even a chance I will make it to black belt before I leave. THat would be really nice.

School is good. I like my classes and my friends, so it's not a problem to go. And I have a friend on the bus whic is really nice. She lives next door so we ride the same bus every day.

Life is good, overall.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Whew. . . .busy!

The last few weeks have been crazy! We got moved, but then Uncle D had surgery and everything got really busy. I also started school so that didn't help.

I am within a couple of weeks of being able to test for my next belt at martial arts. Yea! I can't wait. I will be a blue belt if I make it. I think I am doing really good.

I like school this year. I have a lot of friends in my classes, which is cool. I am doing really good in my classes too, especially math. I have been gettig good grades on my paper, and I have barely any homework.

I got to have a sleepover last night. We stayed up really late. It's nice having friends nearby to play with and have spend the night.