
Sunday, March 27, 2005


Today is Easter. No Easter Egg hunt though. We did that yesterday with the neighbor's. We didn't find all of the eggs though and Aunt Lisa thinks she will find the missing hardboiled ones in two weeks when they start to smell.
I found two eggs with 50 cents each in them. I'm not sure what I am going to spend it on yet, but it's all mine. I also got a LOT of candy and a couple of bouncing balls, so I am set. I also got stuff in my Easter basket this morning which was kind of cool.
We went to church and after that we decided to come home and take a nap. At least everyone but Mercedes decided to take a nap. She's kind of a pain about going to sleep.
I still have one more full day of Spring Break left, but I am looking forward to going back to school. I kind of like school, so far. Everyone has been nice and the bus ride is ok too.
I am over my bronchitis now. I had to go back to see the doctor on Friday just so he could check me over. I had broken a blood vessel in one of my eyes (we think from all of the coughing), so it looks kind of bad. It was driving Uncle Derek nuts, he kept wanting to get it checked sooner. The doctor says it will heal naturally in the next few weeks, so we don't need to worry. It's actually looking better already.
I have to go to the dentist again on Tuesday to get my cavity filled. That will be it for a while. I am doing pretty good, I think, about brushing my teeth at least once a day. Aunt Lisa, Grandma, and Uncle Derek remind me. They also remind me to play with the tooth that I have that is loose, but I don't like to do that very much.
Next weekend, we are going to the Dayton Auto Show and to the Baby Shower for Aunt Lisa. That should be neat. I am also going to get signed up for swimming lessons on Monday, though they won't start until sometime in April. It will mean that I have to get up EARLY on Saturday morning though. I am not really looking forward to that part at all.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Poor Baby

Poor Alexis! She got sick last week and has been fighting the crud ever since. We decided to take her to the doctor yesterday to see if it was moren than a cold. You know what her first question was: Do I HAVE to miss school? SHe seems to like school here. Of course, they had baby chicks they were getting to play with in class this week, but still, she enjoys it. She's on Spring Break until 29 March. Lucky kid.

The doctor found that Alexis had ear infections in both ears, so she's on anti-biotics for that. Then he dignosed ashmathic (sp?) bronchitis, which basically is that her air passages are inflamed. She's on steriods, codeine w/ phernergan, and an inhaler to fight that. THe doctor says she should be through with it all in 5 days. She's saying she already feels better this monring, which is reall good. She was looking miserable the last week or so.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

She Survived the First Week

Alexis started school on Tuesday, but did not have to take the national tests until Wednesday. She said they were a breeze, so she wasn't stressed. She also said she made many friends, both at school and on the bus. She said she LIKES riding the bus. Unfortunately, the whirlwind that she has been living in caught up with her. We had to go get her early from school becuase she had a fever (101.2) and a headache. Poor baby was miserable. She slept all afternoon. To add on to that, she has the sniffles. She seems to be recovering though and should be back at school on Monday.

We got her medicaid card this week as well. That was really nice, though it won't help with the dental bills we've already paid : ) Oh well.At least we are covered in case something happens.

Speaking of dental stuff, Alexis had three teeth pulled on Friday (3/4) becuase they were having problems coming out due to the plaque build up. On Monday, she had to go back to get her teeth cleaned. She has one small cavity which is being filled at the end on this month, and a minor case of gingivitis which should clear up with consistent brushing. She's also got a few more loose teeth that she is working on, so she's just having a ball these days. The visit to the eye doctor was good, she has 20/20 vision, though there is a slight bit of astigmatism. That bears watching as it could worsen and require glasses, though for now she's fine.

She was out playing with the other kids int he neighborhood earlier in the week before she got sick, and overall she seems to be fairly happy with life, or at least she would if she weren't sick.

We go tomorrow for a haircut, which she is not looking forward to. She's got some damaged ends that need to be clipped, and she is adamant that she keeps her long hair. Uncle Derek doesn't help when he tells her it will be shoulder length, but he's not going with us to the appt, so we should be safe.

We have church tomorrow, and then go to the hair appt, so tomorrow will be a full day. We are thinking of making a peach cobbler as well, but haven't completely decided on that one. It will depend on how I feel, I guess.

Mercedes is still driving Alexis nuts. She follows her around and wants to do everything Alexis does. I guess that's the joy of haing a little sister. They are cute together, though.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Started School Today

Alexis started school today. It was cold and snowing this morning, so it was a "nice" welcome to start scool with. We spoke with the principal yesterday and they are putting her with a very good teacher, so hopefully all will be well.

Also, Alexis had her second dental visit yesterday. She got her teeth cleaned and they found one cavity. She goes back at the end of this month to have that filled. Other than a bit of gingivitis which will clear up with consistent brushing, she is good.